Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Come Fly with Me!

I think I mentioned in another post that I have a fear of flying. I've had flying nightmares, and I shudder to think of boarding a plane. Maybe if I had flown when I was younger this fear wouldn't be here, but an occasion didn't present itself until a few years ago and by then I was too afraid. It's interesting that I'm a coward when it comes to flying when my middle brother owns and pilots a plane. He has always been the more adventurous one of the family. Riding, driving, or flying he's done it. Not me! I don't like heights and I don't like enclosed spaces like a plane. I sat on a big plane once and decided that was more than enough. You know though as you get older or maybe just beyond a certain point, life smacks you against the head and says, "Get over it!" The desire to visit London is more than my fear of flying. The trip is just a little over four months from now, and I'm pretty sure that the closer I get to that date the more I'm going to be nervous. Fortunately, I'll be flying with two great friends by my side, providing me with encouragement and holding my hands. However, just in case that's not enough, I think I'll see what the doctor can prescribe!